As the automotive industry progresses towards the quiet and benign, there are those of us that love the roar and shine.


Carbureted Classic Restoration, LLC can provide a variety of services depending on your needs.  We are here to ensure your classic looks like it just rolled off the showroom floor, starts when you want it to, or simply stops like is should.

Here is a basic list of standard services we can provide.


These old cars need to be repaired.  Why won't it stay in gear, or why did the horn stop working.  There is no ECM or electronic device that can be scanned to determine what that white fog with a sweet smell coming out of your tailpipe is caused by.

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Basic Maintenance

When was the last time you rebuilt your brakes, or bled the brake lines for that matter?  These classic cars require a little more attention than modern modes of transportation.  Those grease pots on the water pump need to be filled, mechanical brakes need to be adjusted as the pads wear.

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This is really what many of these old cars deserve. One option is complete disassembly with records and documentation, strip, clean, rebuild and a lot of research to make sure the car looks like it did when it rolled off the showroom floor.  Another option is to help you with your restoration.  Maybe all you need is bodywork and paint.  We want to help you get the full 100 points in the next show.

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This one is a lot of fun and full of possibilities.  Maybe "concours" or "stock" are not in your vocabulary.  A tire melting sleeper or air conditioned comfort may be what your are looking for.  CCR can help achieve your vision of the perfect classic car.

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Wrecked Your Beauty

Before you sell that heirloom to the insurance company, let's talk.  It is easier for them to flatten it and have it end up as part of a new truck frame!

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That First Car

Whether it was a 1965 Mustang or a 1987 Porsche, we all have memories of that first car we had, or wished we had. Now is the time to do something about that dream project sitting in your garage. You acquired it with great aspirations and a vision of what it could be, then you stripped off that first area of paint - how is it possible for there to be half an inch of filler covering that? Or, this was supposed to be “rust free” – ah, the rust is gone but the holes remain!

CCR offers everything from simple tune-up and maintenance to full, frame-off restorations.

First Project Car 1987 Porsche